Jan Stepa 1892-1959

He was born in Sasiv near Lviv on 24 June 1892. He studied philosophy and theology at the University of Lviv, and subsequently taught philosophy there and served as the Vice-Chancellor of the University. During World War II, he lectured at the Seminary in Lviv and later in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. In 1946, he became bishop of Tarnów. Stepa was the founder of the “Veritas” Diocesan Publishing Institute, which was established in 1947. He published numerous philosophical, theological and social writings in Gazeta Kościelna [“Ecclesiastical Gazette”], Atenaum Kapłańskie [“Priest’s Atheneum”], Przegląd Teologiczny [“Theological Review”], Kultura i Wychowanie [“Culture and Upbringing”], Przegląd Filozoficzny [“Philosophical Review”], and after 1945 in Tygodnik Warszawski [“Warsaw Weekly”] and Caritas. In addition to numerous articles in the aforementioned papers, Stepa was a recognised author of books on philosophical and social subjects, which included: Neokantowskie próby realizmu a neotomizm [“Neo-Kantian attempts at rationalism and neo-Thomism”](1927), Poznawalność świata rzeczywistego w oświetleniu św. Tomasza [“Our ability to know the real world according to St. Thomas Aquinas”] (1930), Kształcenie światopoglądu katolickiego w szkole [“Forming the Catholic worldview at school”] (1935), Kuszenie nowoczesnego człowieka [“Modern man’s temptations”] (1937), Kościół współczesny a kryzys wolności [“Modern Church and the crisis of freedom”] (1939). He died on 29 May 1959 in Tarnów.


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by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland as A part of ‘Public Diplomacy 2017’ programme, component ‘Collaboration in the field of Public Diplomacy 2017’.
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